Monday 27 May 2013


   It might sound odd to say that I found myself relating most to a dog in the story. Though Enzo is no ordinary canine, he describes himself as a human trapped in a dog’s body just waiting for his day to become reincarnated as a man. However that is not how I relate myself to Enzo. Who would pick being a man over a woman is clearly misguided, but that is beside the point. There is so many humanly traits about Enzo that anyone could relate to. Enzo knows his role and his duty in life and that is something that I believe everyone can find in their selves. Although life as a dog may seem a whole lot simpler that a human life in the end I think that we could learn from animals in that way. I and Enzo are similar because often Enzo has a lot of in depth points about life but no one can understand him so his points go unheard. Being a young adult I find myself often going unheard simply because of my age. As do many people of my generation and younger. Frustrated some of us lash out in ways people don’t fully understand. Much like a frustrated dog who is just trying to get his views heard. If all people shared Enzo’s quality’s I believe the world would be a much better place. People wouldn’t go unheard and feelings would not go unsaid. I also believe that the world would be a kinder, more compassionate place if everyone shared a dog’s unconditional love for something and rejoice in the simplest things in life. That is something I would love to share with Enzo.

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