Monday 27 May 2013


   It might sound odd to say that I found myself relating most to a dog in the story. Though Enzo is no ordinary canine, he describes himself as a human trapped in a dog’s body just waiting for his day to become reincarnated as a man. However that is not how I relate myself to Enzo. Who would pick being a man over a woman is clearly misguided, but that is beside the point. There is so many humanly traits about Enzo that anyone could relate to. Enzo knows his role and his duty in life and that is something that I believe everyone can find in their selves. Although life as a dog may seem a whole lot simpler that a human life in the end I think that we could learn from animals in that way. I and Enzo are similar because often Enzo has a lot of in depth points about life but no one can understand him so his points go unheard. Being a young adult I find myself often going unheard simply because of my age. As do many people of my generation and younger. Frustrated some of us lash out in ways people don’t fully understand. Much like a frustrated dog who is just trying to get his views heard. If all people shared Enzo’s quality’s I believe the world would be a much better place. People wouldn’t go unheard and feelings would not go unsaid. I also believe that the world would be a kinder, more compassionate place if everyone shared a dog’s unconditional love for something and rejoice in the simplest things in life. That is something I would love to share with Enzo.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

beautiful creatures post

The story that I am reading has already captured my attention and intrigued my imagination. From about twenty pages in the novel “Beautiful Creatures.” has had me hanging with suspense. Making every silent reading session feel that much shorter, and way harder to close the book. Currently I am at the section in the book where each page does nothing but leave me more frustrated than the last.  Left with question after question where nothing is adding up yet. Though baffled this is what I enjoy most about reading this style of book. It’s the hook for me because it makes me ponder on what is going to happen subconsciously throughout the day. I would defiantly recommend this book to my friends and family who are down for captivating but long book because it would defiantly take a few weeks at least to make it to the end. The person specifically that I would recommend this book to would be my mom. Me and my mom always share books and she loves my recomendations. Also I would recomend this series to people who are down for a good long read because all books regarding this series are about 500 pages so if your looking for a quick read you might want to look else where. Although only a small ways into this book I have enjoyed it very much and I cant wait to see what happens in the end.

Friday 17 May 2013

Who am I paragraph

To most I am a typical teenage girl. Spending time with my friends or my boyfriend occasionally. Nothing out of the ordinary. However, like everyone there is more than meets the eye. When I am not at school most of my free time is spent at my dance studio taking classes for hours daily. In the past this has proved challenging to balance my social life, school life, and dance life. But at this time I seem to have figured out a pretty good system that usually will keep everyone happy. Why do I go through all this trouble just for a hobby? For me dance is more than just a hobby, it has consumed me and every inch of my life no matter what goes on dance will come first. My dream is to become a professional contemporary dancer someday and I work my life around it so that I might have a chance in the extremely competitive business. As a dancer you don’t make very much money and your way of life is considerably different than those perusing traditional careers. That makes no difference to me though; as long as I am doing something that I love I will be happy. It doesn’t even matter in what way I become involved in the dance world as long as I am involved. Next year I will be attending a professional dance training program in Winnipeg taking me one step closer to my dream. Although becoming accepted into the school for contemporary dancers was thrilling for me, it was not my first choice in school. But it was attainable, and being declined from my first choice of school only makes me push myself even harder in the classroom and out. Part of me is happy that I was declined because if I wasn’t I might not be as strong of a dancer that I am currently. Everyone needs a kick in the butt sometimes and I am glad mine came early enough for me to change my habits and carry on the best I can. Though I am nervous about graduation and moving away I am also ecstatic to start moving forward with my life the way that I want to live.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Something wicked in wisconsen.

  Yesterday was just as ordinary as any other day. I arose in the morning when the white light of the

sun camestreaming through my sparkling windows slid into my softened silk robe and slippers head to the

kitchen to prepare breakfast for my newly wed husband, Bill. When he emerges from the bedroom I greet

him with a smile as warm as a summers day and a kiss to match. He would sit down at the crisp white

kitchen table and crack open the daily newspaper as I prepared him his coffee and lunch for his long day in

the office ahead of him. As I hand him his egg salad sandwich he hurriedly snatches it out of my dainty

fingertips and reply's a brief  "Thanks honey." and proceeds on his way. Being left alone for the majority of

my days is not uncommon, give or take the odd weekend if he can get a day off. Though I do enjoy cleaning

and keeping a tidy orderly house hold you could say that sometimes the solitude makes me become a teeny

bit crazy. Bill called me that night. It was just one of those nights. He explained to me that he was going to

be working late again and head "Make it up to me when he got the chance." Like hell he would. I knew

what was really going on down at the office and he had put in enough hours that week alone. Throwing the

delicious golden turkey dinner that I had prepared for us in the freshly bagged trash can with a hard thunk. I

headed to the backyard shed to go fetch myself something,out of the ordinary, to consume my night. Quickly

like a rabbit down its hole I scurried to my porcelain white car and toss the heavy chunk of metal into the

petite trunk. With a face as blank as a sheet of paper and a mind to match I drive cautiously to the office

where he works and pull up to the closest parking spot heave the enormous axe into my puny cold hands

and black out.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Super power

Often I find myself not quite having enough time in a day to do everything that I would aspire to. Because of this the super power that I would find helpful in my life would be to not need to sleep or become tiered. How I could use this to my benefit would be by doing all the things I enjoy doing with people during the day but at night when normal people are asleep I could accomplish everything that needs to be done and more. For example, the way I would utilize my hours is by staying as busy as possible. During the week I would attend school, hang out with friends then head to dance class spending my remaining minutes with my family when finished. Although it may not seem like a lot, large portions of my days are consumed leaving little time for me to relax and unwind by myself. This is where not needing sleep would help me achieve the time I need to  reach my goals in high school, and in life. Having twice as much time in my day I could better myself to the point were I am a super human and live a more eventful life. Spending my nights catching up on not only homework, current events in the world and a lot of literature I would love to read but can't find the time. Dance, yoga and meditation would also become a larger aspect in my life, learning new ways to build a stronger body and mind. Including these hobbies into my life would make me the best person that I feel I can be and that is why I would make a sleepless  superpower.